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Why Do You Need A Coffee Grinder?


The best feeling for all coffeeholic all over the world is to be woken up by a cup of coffee full of flavors and aromas. That coffee will satisfy you with every sip you take. Yet, how can you have that good coffee at home? The brewing method is undoubtedly important, yet freshly ground coffee beans and how you grind them are also other factors that will significantly decide the taste of your brewed coffee.


Like how you should pick the best quality coffee beans, you should consider the best rated coffee grinders, too. This article will show you some reasons you should get a barista coffee grinder.


Why Should You Get A Coffee Grinder?


Fresh Grinds Make The Best Coffee


Do you know that right after you grind the coffee beans, they will immediately start to oxidate and lose the aroma? Stale coffee will result in a bitter, thin, and bland cup of coffee.


It is said that coffee can only maintain its freshness for approximately thirty minutes after the grinding. Meanwhile, whole coffee beans can keep it up to two weeks or even more as it takes longer for oxygen to break down into the surfaces. Hence, all coffee snobs know that it’s better to buy whole bean coffee and grind it right before the brewing time.



And this is how the coffee grinders slowly become an indispensable piece of coffee gear. The Best coffee grinder will make your coffee experience much more interesting. Once you reach this phase, you’ll never go back to pre-ground beans.


Customized Style For Different Coffee Brewers


The best thing about having a coffee grinder is how you can set up and adjust the grinding sizes. In this way, you can be flexible with the grinds to be appropriate for a wide variety of coffee makers. Meanwhile, pre-ground coffee typically comes only as one size: fine grind, which is a disadvantage when it comes to pairing with unpopular coffee brewers such as French Press.


Here are some grind sizes for each coffee brewer:

  • Espresso Machines: Super Fine

  • Moka Pot: Fine

  • Auto Drip: Fine

  • Pour Over: Coarse to Fine

  • Aeropress: Medium to Fine

  • French Press: Coarse

  • Cold Brew: Coarse

The best coffee grinder will offer you the flexibility and possibility to get the grind that compliments your brewing method.


Read The Article:


What is the Best-seller Coffee Grinder on Amazon.com


The Top 3 Most Fantastic Burr Coffee Grinder That Will Not Fail to Impress



Brew Better Coffee


The best home coffee grinder will allow you to brew high quality coffee anytime you want. Different coffee makers will require different types of ground coffee to achieve the best cup of coffee. Thus, by having a grinder at home you will be able to adjust the grinding sizes gradually depending on your preferences.


Besides, you can also have better control over the extraction with the best coffee grinders. If your coffee isn’t well-rounded and has a sour candy aftertaste.




There are so many good reasons to purchase a coffee grinder. With this coffee gear, you will appreciate how amazing freshly ground coffee and a fresh cup of coffee are. Regardless of the brewing method, having a good grinder will never be a bad decision.

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